When you visit KB Sport Horses you take a few turns in the road and then it opens up to acreage surrounded by pine trees and mountains. You're greeted by their two dogs and of course a few barn cats, who think they are dogs. Kellen and his beautiful partner Rachel can be seen coming down the path behind them.
KB Sport Horses have recently started a breeding program and they currently have 3 foals on the ground. Their pasture is closest to the house, which allowed me to sit and enjoy watching them sleep as the sun came up from the front stoop. Each Mare has her own personality and way with her baby. Some are even opinionated on the babies of others… LOL! But I get pleasure out of just sitting and watching their interaction. I didn’t think to ask their ages, but the dark bay with the blaze seems to be the youngest and your typical boy. The middle mare seems loving and sweet and the oldest mare seems to just go with the flow and she’s not to interested in everyone else's business. They are all beautiful and it will be fun to see what their future in jumping holds.
The day started out cool with a little dew on the ground. The assembly line of bridles hanging in the barn isle ready for work as the sun peeked in. Both Kellen and Rachel ride and work the horses together. It’s a pretty special partnership. There was no down time with these two in charge though. As they say it takes team work to make the dream work and that they do.
I watched as they tacked up horses and got to work. As a novice rider myself it was hard to tell what all they were schooling on however, I was so envious of their perfect circles and flying lead changes. They both had soft hands and great seats and praised their horses often. Love it when you see a rider smile after an ask and then you hear a “good boy” and see that pat on the neck before the next ask. There bonds with each horse was contrasting, and each one was working on something different. I have heard riders say the more horses you ride the better rider you become. Seeing them adjust to each horse proved this to be true.
After a good work out you get a nice hose off and then back out to live like a horse. I know not everyone can supply a horse with a pasture to live in, but man if you can, I really do think it makes for a better horse.
Kellen said he didn’t have a favorite, but I could tell he really fancied one mare named Marie. A beautiful bay mare that definitely has a jump! If my memory serves me right she is only five, but has an old soul. She was confident and secure and very quiet and reserved in the barn, but open her up in an arena and she shined. She definitely had a look in her eye of wanting to make dad proud. They have an awesome partnership and were a pure joy to watch.
As the afternoon snuck passed us and most of the horses were all worked we realized it was time for our photo shoot for Sidelines. I never know what their story is about before I shoot it. So I just do my best to capture what I feel when I am there. As we chased the light we got Marie out to pose for a few shots around the ranch. You couldn’t help but have a dog or a cat in the mix. They aren’t shy and for sure felt that Kellen shouldn’t get all the attention.
As the sun set and we ended our shoot, the evening routine started and everyone jumped in the quad to pitch in for the evening feed. When everyone was tucked in and fed it was time for the two legged animals to eat. I swear riders can live off of Peanut M&M’s and Vitamin Water all day. LOL!!! But we had dinner together (The best BLT sandwiches ever… learned that if you replace the lettuce for cucumbers and add a little bit of Greek Vinaigrette on your spread it takes it up like 10 notches, thanks for sharing Rachel!)
Hope you enjoy a few photos from my trip and hopefully they lend themselves to tell the story better than I can. I can’t wait to read Sidelines story on Kellen Brady and hear about how he got into riding horses and about his career, his future and what he has planned. Hopefully I will run into them at a show and see him compete. I could tell he is a very compassionate person, but a very competitive one as well.
Thank you for clicking on and reading about my trip!