My First attempt at Macaroons

My First attempt at Macaroons

Ok so I tackled the macaroons today! Im not gonna lie, these were a little easier than I expected, but they are still a labor of love. Thank you Broma Bakery for this easy macaroon recipe. Even though I am not a macaroon fan myself, I will make these again, but I will try a cream cheese buttercream or a lemon frosting inside next round. The chocolate was perfect for the robin egg look though.

Since I am in quarantine and am limiting my trips to the store so I used what I had around the house and I only had pastel food coloring so my cookies came out more of a pastel green than a robin egg blue (so my son thought I made chocolate mint macaroons). I love Tiffany blue anything, and it’s what originally drew me in to making these in the first place, so I was really bummed when I couldn’t get the color. LOL!!! But not bummed enough to risk the store again. Wink Wink. Ok so now what did I learn…

What ever you do, don’t skip tapping the baking pan so you get ALL the air bubbles out! If your macaroon gets an air bubble you can kiss it goodbye. They aren’t as fragile as they look and I was afraid if I tapped the pan I would ruin my little circles. LOL!!! Live and learn. Second, if you follow the recipe and want to add the rosins egg sprinkles, make sure you water your food coloring down for sure or you will have globs of food dye…Yuck!

Other than that I followed the recipe to a “T” and it worked beautifully. I’m not sure if my shot glass was the right size for them, my kids said they looked like mini macaroons. Maybe I need to research the correct size chart for a macaroon.

Oh and one small mistake, in the frosting directions it says to add vanilla extract, I think that was a typo, you dont need the vanilla! That threw me for a loop for a second and then I realized it wasn’t on the list of ingredients and well I don’t think chocolate frosting needs vanilla flavor added. Ok well thank you Broma Bakery for making these so easy to do right at home!!!

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