LBeth Behrs…she is a horse girl, I’m a horse girl, she was born Dec 26th, I was born Dec 26th, she rescued a horse, who totally rescued her right back, me too! She has a Yorkie and I do too, we're practically twins.
NOT, totally kidding, but loved find out these facts about her.
So I have to ask, have you had the chance to dive into the November edition of Sidelines Magazine and read her article yet? If not, what are you waiting for? I just finished reading my copy, and I'm absolutely in love with all the inspirational stories it has to offer. It's incredible how much wisdom and inspiration I gain from every issue.
Since it's Friday, I thought it would be the perfect day to share some fun Friday Facts with y'all.
So here it goes… when I go on a Sidelines shoot, there's often a unique twist – the article or story isn't written yet, which means I get to walk in blind. I don't always know the backstory of what I'm capturing, and you know what? I love the excitement of it! This Novembers shoot with Beth Behrs was slightly different in the fact that she is an actress and public figure, so I knew the fact that she had played a character on "2 Broke Girls" and that her character Caroline had a horse on the show right outside her kitchen, I might add. But...I had no idea Beth was a true #horsegirl to the core in real life!
I won't give away too much from the article, but trust me, it's worth a read. If you don't have a copy, click for the digital version… READ IT! I promise you won't be disappointed. What struck a chord with me is learning that she shares a dream of having breakfast with her daughter and their horses, she longs for trail rides and deep talks on horseback – I felt an instant connection when we met, although we're not twins (duh), we do have a few things in common.
To start we share the same birthday, December 26th, (though in different years). I'd trade my birth year for hers in a heartbeat... joking, of course, well maybe not! But we are both Capricorns. She mentions several things in her article that I can wholeheartedly relate to. Though I've never aspired to be an actress, I understand how one's passion can feel like a job at times. And like her, horses have been my healing companions throughout my life. My last horse made me question, 'Who really rescued whom?' Harry gave me my voice back and mended a piece of me I thought was lost forever. We both have cute little Yorkie’s. Bronson requested a play date, I told him it’s never gonna happen.
Ok, but all jokes aside. Did you know that Beth started SheHerdPower in 2016? It's an incredible initiative providing free rehabilitative services to survivors of sexual assault or abuse, helping them reclaim their voice after trauma. I was deeply moved to learn this about her, and it's no surprise that, after our shoot, I told everyone she was the nicest human I had ever met. Truly, she made me feel like an old friend.
So, go ahead and give her a follow, tag a friend you think could relate or help, read her article, share it far and wide, and support her cause. Let's rally together as women and horse girls to make a positive impact on this world.
Have a fantastic weekend ahead, don't forget to kiss your pony, and if you don't have one, consider volunteering at a local rescue!